Tuesday, October 19, 2010

So, this is my first ever post to this blog. I should make it special. Today was kind of depressing for me. I ended up finding out that the position I wanted on the newspaper, the position that I suggested exist in the first place, was given to another person. Not only was it given to someone who is not me, it was given to someone entirely unfit for the job.

Of course, maybe I' just saying this out of some bitterness toward the fact that I got pushed aside for some new guy. And yes, that is somewhat true. It's upsetting. I really enjoy video games, and I enjoy analyzing them and reviewing them. I enjoy giving my views on them, and I enjoy telling others what I learn about them. However, the position of "Gaming Columnist" was given to some Joe Schmoe that the Editor-in-Chief hired this semester. This guy is probably the worst candidate for the job. He is lazy, untalented, and has no social skills. During our meeting, he spent 30 out of 45 minutes n his computer. The other 15 was spent plugging his computer in and booting it up. When he was addressed, he didn't even bother to look up, and simply waved off his assignment as if it were an annoying insect.

He said he didn't know what he was going to do for our next issue, the drafts of which are due on Monday. I amicably recommended several ideas for articles, all of which he rejected, saying, "Everyone does that." Well, yes. Everyone does do that. That's because that is what gaming columnists do.

Obviously this left me annoyed for a little while. I vented to my brother, and then to the endless numbers of enemies aboard the battleship in the final chapters of Metal Gear Solid 4. Upon dying for the fourth time, and halfway through listening to Otacon bemoan the death of his only friend, I decided that I wasn't focused enough. I went for a nice long run. It felt nice. I ran and ran and ran. I didn't stop running until I made it to Starbucks. By this time it was entirely dark, so I took refuge in Starbucks and sat there listening to Pandora on my iPod. Finally, I was unwinding. Admittedly, my day was not too stressful, in any real sense of the word. I think I'm in what you might call a funk. But it doesn't matter. My time at Starbucks helped me clear my head.

I don't know if this is actually special, of it is just whiny and annoying. Either way, it fees good to have a blog that isn't constantly being monitored by people I know. If you are reading this, please know that I really, truly appreciate it. I guess, somehow, you and I are kindred spirits. Why else would you have kept reading all that?

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