Monday, December 6, 2010

In other news...

Droids are amazing. I got mine a few weeks ago (A Motorolla Droid 2), and I can't believe how much it has changed my life. Admittedly, I'd never had anything more than unlimited texting in the past, and mobile web might have changed my life a long time ago, but that never happened. You see, I have this problem: I hate to be disconnected. For those of you that know me, you are aware that I always have some form of electronic communication on my person at all possible times. I am constantly checking my phone, iPod, computer, et cetera for any number of reasons.

Not only does my Droid act as a vessel of communication, it also helps keep me occupied when my friends aren't calling. I can play games, mess around with Google Maps, IM other lonely people, update my Facebook page, and even search local venues for the most happening scene in town (Wertago is godly, especially if you're new to an area).

So obviously my vote in the Android vs iPhone war is Android. On any network, I feel like as long as you have unlimited data, you'll enjoy it a heck of a lot more than the iPhone. Not that there's anything wrong with the iPhone.

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