Monday, December 6, 2010

In other news...

Droids are amazing. I got mine a few weeks ago (A Motorolla Droid 2), and I can't believe how much it has changed my life. Admittedly, I'd never had anything more than unlimited texting in the past, and mobile web might have changed my life a long time ago, but that never happened. You see, I have this problem: I hate to be disconnected. For those of you that know me, you are aware that I always have some form of electronic communication on my person at all possible times. I am constantly checking my phone, iPod, computer, et cetera for any number of reasons.

Not only does my Droid act as a vessel of communication, it also helps keep me occupied when my friends aren't calling. I can play games, mess around with Google Maps, IM other lonely people, update my Facebook page, and even search local venues for the most happening scene in town (Wertago is godly, especially if you're new to an area).

So obviously my vote in the Android vs iPhone war is Android. On any network, I feel like as long as you have unlimited data, you'll enjoy it a heck of a lot more than the iPhone. Not that there's anything wrong with the iPhone.

Has it really been two months?

I haven't done much blogging at all recently. I haven't even been logging on to Tumblr. Heck, my Facebook statuses are few and far between! Why is this? Well, World of Warcraft is like crack. Seriously. I cannot stay away from this game. I swear I have quit the game at least a dozen times, and yet I still come back to it, hoping for something to change so that maybe I won't be bored of it.

Oh, that's right, I never get bored of it. I just run out of money. Then I deal with it for a few weeks, fill in my time with blogging, school, and other assorted activities. And then, inevitably, I have the urge to log on and see what's happening. By some miracle, I am able to save up thirty bucks and buy myself a game card, and then I'm all giddy and happy and RAAAAHHHHHH for a few days. Then I settle into my routine. Every Monday night, I peruse the Auction House, looking for good deals, so that I can sell them the next day for some sort of profit. Tuesdays I post my auctions, which I upkeep throughout the week. Wednesdays I level my lowbies a bit. Thursdays I level them more. Fridays I try to find some sort of raid activity to do. I PvP over the weekend on my rogue. Rinse. Repeat.

Boring. I know. I've been told by nearly every single one of my friends that I should stop playing WoW. They tell me that I am addicted and that it is going to ruin my life. So, of course, I make up some excuse, like, "WAAAAAAH, I'm so lonely, I NEED it to keep my sanity. Give me a break!" And this goes on for about two months. During those two months, I usually get into a guild (or guilds, since I have 80s on multiple servers) and become a key member in the main raid group that they have. I make lots of friends, and become "That Guy" who everyone in the guild likes. I do so with my above-average abilities, my winning (online) personality, and helpfulness that would make Mother Teresa look like a jerk.

This is a jerk.

Then my subscription runs out. I don't even bother telling my guilds what is happening. I just disappear. I'm told that they often wonder where I've gone for weeks after I vanish. Then, anywhere from one to four moths later, I log back in. Some people freak out and tell me that they missed me, but for the most part it's as if I'm a fresh transfer from some other server. It's almost refreshing.

Why did I take the time to write all this down? Well, I feel like I'm a special case. Most people who I know that play WoW have been playing non-stop since starting. While this is technically true for myself (I refer to myself as a WoW player even if I don't have a subscription at the time), I feel like I am one of very few people who play the game because they actually enjoy it, and not because it's just another thing to do. I crave to come back to it, not so that I can get better gear, not so that I can be rich (though, I DO enjoy making gold. Lots of it), but purely because I enjoy my time in the game. I love socializing, I love PvPing, and I love raiding. I can be whoever I want, my character can do whatever I want, and I'm always in complete control. This is in stark comparison to the rest of my life, over which I have very minimal control. Maybe that's why I enjoy playing so much.